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Tyler Knihnitski for Ward 5 is dedicated to ensuring safety, reducing crime, increasing the number of fire halls, and putting a freeze on tax hikes. With a strong commitment to public service, Tyler aims to bring positive change to the community and address the pressing issues that matter most to the residents of Ward 5.


Tyler is committed to implementing measures that enhance safety and reduce crime in Ward 5. With a focus on community policing and effective crime prevention strategies, Tyler aims to create a secure environment for all residents. You should be able to walk our streets and feel safe.
Tyler advocates for the construction of additional fire halls in Saskatoon to ensure prompt emergency response and enhanced fire protection services for the community. We must increase Firefighters training requirements to make sure they have the resources to keep us safe. Saskatoon requires 3 new fire halls to ensure proper response times.
Tyler is focused on advocating for the improvement of public infrastructure, including roadways, parks, and public facilities, to enhance the overall quality of life for the residents of Ward 5.
Residents experienced encounters with an aggressive coyote frequenting the dog park and Meewasin trail throughout the year. City officials have stated that coexistence with aggressive wildlife is necessary. The bylaw has to be changed to allow animal control to keep the residents safe.
Our Police see many different issues in a normal work day. We have to increase their training and give them the resources to keep Ward 5 safe. 
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